

The Viscograph®-E is the standard instrument worldwide for measuring the viscosity of starch and products containing starch. The instrument …


NIR Analyzer

                 Instalab®700               Quality design and construction ensures the most reliable NIR results available. It has a patented rotating …


Water Activity

                    LabMaster                  Best practice water activity meter. Solid, jellylike or liquid sample can be measured reliably in a


Water Activity

                    LabTouch                  aW-meter for all kinds of samples, regardless of being liquid, solid or jelly-like. With its ergonomic  …

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Water Activity

                    LabSwift                       It is particularly useful for products in powder form or dried fruits with low to medium aw-values, because …

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Water Activity

                     LabStart                    This meter is developed for users new to water activity measurements and of course also uses the proven …


SAL-T Humidity Standards

Humidity standards are used for verification and calibration of water activity meters. The unique design of the salt standard allows …

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Chemical Protection Filters

Certain volatile compounds as glycerin, alcohol and others will temporarily or permanently harm the Novasina sensor and/or will …


TA.HDplus Texture Analyser

It is capable of measuring virtually any physical product characteristic such as hardness, fracturability, adhesiveness and …


TA.XTplus Texture Analyser

capable of measuring virtually any physical product characteristic such as hardness, fracturability, adhesiveness and …

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TA.XTExpress Texture Analyser

It is an entry based texture analysis option when compared to our sophisticated full-features Plus range and …


TA.XTplus100 Texture Analyser

It offers an improved distance resolution which is doubled to 0.0005mm. This will be of major interest to those who require …